[Top line of writing includes the following names separated by spaces ] Pechuckiounnauns:     Tuckshís     Massãuqunnock     Kuttomqueh

[The following place names and descriptions appear in perpendicular writing from left to right across page]

Kutawo river
This place ye Indians desire
to reserue to themselves
are contented with it
Mussauquutu[torn] river:
Ouwusseh river
Oicckocommock river:
Tomakis r:

From Tuckshis From Tuckshis to oickacommock River ye land
wholly & onely belongs to ye squa sachem &
is at her dispose: ye description of it being
given by Qua[torn]ekquanh[?torn] her uncle & assented
to by her selfe, August 2[torn]: in presence of
me H: whitfield: & Jo[torn] Higginson:

The names of ye Indians yt
are to sit downe at
Sunksqua: at Quile piack
Qussuckquansh at totp...cett his wife & 2 children
Commosuck " "
Auquaihmsh 1 hand indian[?]
Channih a dumb old man & his wife
Aiasomuct: a wife & 2 children
Meishunk a wife : 2 children
Pauqun: a wife one child
Mequnhut: one child
Kaukechihu a wife 2 children:
Metuckquachisk: one child: at athunmanasuck
Ponaim a young man
Wautumhecun [word scratched out] one child:
Assouwecon: one wife at Matabesett

All these are ye inhabitants of
Kuttawo, (wch formerly lived at
Menoughkrtuck) & ye SquaSachem
in their nam her owne name
& theirs promiseth their friend
ship & faithfulnes to ye English
& I H: whitfield in my owne
name & of ye English yt are to
inhabit at Menoughkrtuck
promise the like to them so
long as they doe so continue ,
provided yt they be allfriends
To ye English as they profess
They are

The said Sachem
& ye rest of ye Squa in her owne above named
indians promiseth yt they will
not hurt or steal any thing
belonging to any English as
Cowes Hogs Corne: ect: & if
any shall, they shall be punished
&rest just satisfaction shall
be made to ye owners; also they
promise yt no traps shall be set
by any Indians in any place

within ye aforesaid limits where any English cattle
use to come to feed: I also promise in my owne &
ye name of ye rest yt no hurt shallbe done to them
or any thing of theirs, & if any shall just satis
faction shall be taken when they complaine

Qussuckquansh binds himselfe to pay for all ye hurt yt ye
menunqhketuck Indians shall doe: & I H: wh: doe
bind my selfe to pay for all ye hurt ye English shall

[See symbols on lower area of page image. ]