6 September 1818
adams-john10 Neal MillikanFamily Relations (Adams Family)Religion

3956. VI: Attended Meeting, morning and afternoon, and heard Mr Tuckerman, who is a sensible man and a good preacher. So good that I reproach myself for the drowsiness which I found it almost impossible to resist, while hearing him. In the interval between the services, I examined my sons John and Charles, in Greek and Latin, to observe their proficiency. John has made good progress. Charles who is much fonder of books, yet advances slowly. Among the desires of my heart, the most deeply anxious is that for the good-conduct and welfare of my children. In them, my hopes and fears are most deeply involved— None of my children will probably ever answer to my hopes— May none of them ever realize my fears!— Mr Tuckerman and his son, a boy eight or nine years of age, dined with us at my father’s, and the afternoon and Evening were occupied with numerous visitors— Judge Tudor, with W. S. Shaw and De Grand from Boston, the three Messrs. Greenleaf’s, and R. G. Shaw with their ladies, Mrs Black, Mr and Mrs Quincy, Mr Marston his Sister and daughter, Captain Beale and his son George, Lucy Greenleaf, G. W. Apthorp and his wife, and some others. De Grand took my sons John and Charles with him into Boston— I engaged to dine with him next Tuesday week— My brother, who returned last evening from holding his Court at Barnstable, was also this day here.